Children’s Sunday School

9:30 AM Sundays on In the Church Children’s Room

Children up to grade 6 can join us on Sunday mornings in person to enjoy some learning and fun together. We are “walking through the Bible” with The Story curriculum. Join us at any point on our journey! For a quick peek at our curriculum, visit


Teen Bible Study

9:30 Am SundayS

Join us on Sunday mornings in person. This is an awesome learning experience geared to our teens. Enjoy some fun, fellowship, and prayer together. For more information on the topics we will be addressing, click here.

Adult Sunday School

9:30 AM SUNDAYS in the Church Parlor

The Adult Sunday School class, led by Curt Brockway and Lucy Calkins, meets for prayer and Bible study on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Parlor. This winter we are studying Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther using ScripturePress Understanding the Bible study guides. In the Spring, we will turn our attention to the book of Daniel. Talk to Curt or Lucy to learn more or to get a study guide. Bible experience is NOT required; all are welcome, even if you would just like to observe. If you are not able to join in person, you can connect with us on Zoom. (Zoom ID: 408 014 6605 PW: 1Walnut)